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Design Bootcamp Capstone Project
Identifying ways for e-products reselling and make it profitable to people and earth
This project was my final main project during my UX certification at UX Mint Design and Research Academy. The topics were assigned by the mentor to each team and our team was the given this topic of making profit out of used electronic products to both buyers and sellers and thus reducing the e-waste. Theory classes of the each steps in the human centred design approach were taught and simultaneously we implemented the learning into our project. As a result, we were able to dip our hands into many important concepts in design thinking approach. This is some text inside of a div block.
Research Questionnaires
Conceptual Model
Information Architecture
Hi-fi Prototyping
3 Months (Apr - Jun 2018)
UX Mint Chennai Batch Jan 2018
Background Study & Analysis
Every people in their home or workplace would have kept some unused electrical or electronic products knowingly or unknowingly for a long time. While cleaning or organizing your place, that unused e-product might be thrown at garbage which affects the environment badly. People should be aware that those totally unusable e-products will also have some value
"Out of Sight is out of mind”
Stakeholder Research
Telephonic Interview was conducted with the stakeholder to understand the requirements about the project. Laddering Technique is followed during the interview to gather all the basic details required. Have a sneak peek to few of the answers.
One stop portal for selling e-waste, e-products and buying the recycled or refurbished products for an affordable & genuine price like Richie Street.
πŸ“ Process BRIEF
Collection of e-waste / e-product; Quality Check; Segregation to Recycle or Refurbish; Categorisation; Selling e products
E-waste collection & Recycling. Buying & selling electronic products that are in both working and null condition to the user
Assured Price on the go for sellers. Quick and easy process for selling both e-waste and e-products. Similarity and easy to earch what they want.
πŸ“ Core Issue
Increase in electrical & electronic goods usage and reduction in disposal. Lack of awareness in disposal of old e-products
Existing systems work as a mediator in buying and selling e-products without any proper segregation of useful product and waste products
User Research
Qualitative Data Gathering was conducted individually among different users in real-time. The gathered data is grouped primarily based on their personality traits. We interviewed around 25 people and drilled down to 5 persona. Following is one of the persona that we have encountered during our research
Journey Map
Calculative Person's journey was tracked and defined the various emotions he felt through the process of selling
Root Cause Analysis
Various pain points are taken and root cause is found out. One of example is show below.
Conceptual Model
After finding major problems in Root Cause Analysis, Conceptual Model is done by addressing key problems that we have found out.
Task Prioritization
After listing down the task from the conceptual model, Task Prioritization is performed using Eisenhower Matrix
Information Architecture & Page Flow
Closed Card Sorting is performed for the list of task and information architecture is drawn for the task. Hierarchical Navigation Model is followed for the buying flow and Reciprocation Navigation Model is followed for the selling flow
UI Foundation
Definition of color, typescale and icon style is figured. Then we followed atomic design concept for defining the modules of the user interface.
Onboarding the User
For the onboarding, rat and cheese concept was followed by allowing the user to taste the essence of the product but should get onboarded to enjoy the complete product.
Sign Up Flow
Sign In Flow
Viewing the product without signing and signing up
Home Screen
Fitt's Law is followed in placing each task based on their priority such that it will provide quick and easy access
The Brand logo is kept at the top left as the human eye usually tends to perceive from top left (Serial Position Effect). Profile falls into high importance but low-frequency category, it is kept at the right top of the product
Since each user comes with a different expectation of products, they are categorized to identify what they are looking for at the first glance. Pictures are used for categories which provide clear information than illustration. On scrolling down, categories are kept fixed at the top
Law of Common Region is followed for the product card. Each information of the product is visually arranged based on their importance
Von Restorff Effect (Isolation Effect) is achieved by isolating Sell Option since it is one of the high prioritized task in our conceptual model.
Selling Flow
Classified E-Products into two types based on the quantity and working condition. This helps the user to understand the difference between the usable and non-usable e-products.
Sign Up Flow
Viewing the product without signing and signing up
Sign In Flow
Selling Checkout Options
For the people who are messed up with lot of products/lazy to travel, find a hop that comes to the user's place. If no hops come to your place, find a nearby selling point, book an appointment and sell on the go.
Viewing the product without signing and signing up
Sign In Flow
Importance of Human-Centred Design Approach
Learnt the process from discovery to evaluation in detail. Understood the importance of user research which was very critical when the project moved into the ideation phase and evaluation phase
Brainstorming Session
The brainstorming session followed during this project was very unique since I was involved more in a lateral way thinking and then converting those thinking into a feasible solution.
Overall, the course I did in this academy was a life-changing experience for me in terms of design thinking and way of approaching a problem in realtime